A healthy meal each day
"In earlier times in back in Tibet each monk would be responsible themselves and so the entire monastery operated on a basis of private sponsership. That also meant that monks were entirely responsible for their own daily meals, which they had to arrange for/prepare personally. Now in India we have an improved situation, as thanks to the kind efforts of His Holiness the. Dalai Lama, monasteries can now organise their food and cooking arrangements collectively. This means that monks have the certainty that they will have a meal each day. This is quite an improvement, since in earlier times in Tibet there were even great learned monks who hardly could sustain themselves physically when they were not able to succeed in organising their daily meals. Now in India, because of the collective food arrangements, if a monk wishes to undertake a retreat or a period of intensive study, he can do this without having the worry about finding daily meals!"
Geshe Sonam Gyaltsen.
The food
that the Ganden Jangtse monastery can provide for the monks lacks in the variation required for a sufficiently healthy diet.
Dhonden foundation's food sponsership programme helps to provide a more varied and healthy diet - and so this project has our highest priority!
For only 20 cents per day, you will provide a monk with one healthy meal with tea.

visit our Donations page if you would
like to contribute to the foundation's food programme.
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